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Jeff Sinnard's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Jeff Sinnard refused to tell citizens where he stands on any of the issues addressed in the 2012 Political Courage Test, despite repeated requests from Vote Smart, national media, and prominent political leaders.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2012.

  • Jeff Sinnard. News Democrat: Six vie for nod in primary. "I am a Catholic, a Christian and pro-life. I am not a single issue candidate, nor have I ever been a single issue voter." (
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "b) Abortions should always be legal."
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Political Courage Test. Did Not Check SUPPORT for: "a) Abortions should always be illegal."
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Election Political Courage Test. Abortion Issues: Selected: h) other or expanded principles: "I support a respect for life and dignity that begins at conception but does not end at birth. All issues of life and death, including capital punishment, euthanasia, poverty and war must be viewed in the context of a consistent ethic of life. It is insufficient to simply oppose abortion; I will work to reduce the need and frequency of abortion with an emphasis on prevention. I support education and health initiative (prenatal and neonatal) that support pregnant women and babies. Too many mothers are forced to make this choice based on their economic circumstances and lack of viable alternatives."
  • Jeff Sinnard. League of Women Voters of Ohio: 2012 US Representative; District 1; Democratic Party Voter Information. Responded: "Exit Afghanistan" to the question: "Priorities." (
  • Jeff Sinnard. League of Women Voters of Ohio: 2005 Jeff Sinnard Answers Questions. Responded: "We need to look at all spending and all revenue for improvement. No program can be sacred. For example, discretionary defense spending has grown disproportionately to what is needed to fight the war on terrorism. A strong military is needed to protect the American people and the American way of life. But our military needs to reflect the world of today. After the Cold War we failed to recover the peace dividend. We continue to fund programs such as missile defense, the Virginia-class attack submarine, and the DD(X) destroyer that are out of touch with the current mission of the military" to the question: "3. How would you address the federal deficit?" (
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Political Courage Test. Budget and Tax Issues: Other or expanded categories: "The private economy, especially small business is the driving force of the Ohio economy. I support tax policies that reward those men and women whose work and willingness to take personal risk powers our state. I will work to ensure the tax code rewards employment, work and entrepreneurship. The tax code should be simplified, but should remain progressive."
  • Justin McClelland. Journal News: Two area Democrats seek a first district seat in House. 19 February 2012. "Sinnard said his primary focus if elected would be the economy and keeping a balance on economic policy to help not just the rich, but people of all social classes. 'We need to make sure the economy works for everybody,' Sinnard said. 'It's not fair for Mitt Romney to pay 15 percent of his taxes and the guy who works a blue collar job pays 28 or 30 percent of his income.'" (
  • Jeff Sinnard. League of Women Voters of Ohio: 2005 Jeff Sinnard Answers Questions. Responded: "Today's budget deficit is a crushing burden that we leave to future generations. I do not believe that either tax increases or cuts to social programs are needed. Government spending is out of control. We all know there is waste in the budget. Congress should aggressively encourage cost savings" to the question: "3. How would you address the federal deficit?" (
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Election Political Courage Test. Budget and Tax Issues: Other or expanded principles: "The private economy, especially small business is the driving force of the Ohio economy. I support tax policies that reward those men and women whose work and willingness to take personal risk powers our state. I will work to ensure the tax code rewards employment, work and entrepreneurship. The tax code should be simplified, but should remain progressive."
  • Justin McClelland. Journal News: Two area Democrats seek a first district seat in House. 19 February 2012. "Sinnard said he believes a more equitable tax distribution system would ultimately benefit everybody by improving the economy and creating more jobs. 'I appreciate the risk that small business owners take, but I think the idea that business owners create jobs is somehow missing the point,' Sinnard said. 'I think people who go into a store and buy things are creating the jobs. They create the demand. If we put money into the hands of working people, they would spend it.'" (
  • Jeff Sinnard. League of Women Voters of Ohio: 2005 Jeff Sinnard Answers Questions. Responded: "I will advocate for small business as the major force for growth in the economy. I will work to level the playing field between small business and large corporations. I will work for a shift in the tax code to reward employment over wealth" to the question: "2. What do you see as the three most pressing issues you would address if elected? What plans do you have relative to those issues?" (
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Election Political Courage Test. Employment Issues: Other or expanded principles: "A job bestows to American workers dignity and respect. Our tax system should reward businesses that retain and create jobs."
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Election Political Courage Test. Environment and Energy Issues: Other or expanded principles: "I will support environmental policies that protect the life and health of our peoples and that reflect stewardship for our state. Environmental policies must reflect the true cost, not just economic costs, to this generation and the next. Our dependence on fossil fuels threatens the climate, the air we breathe, and world peace and stability. We must call upon American ingenuity and inventiveness to solve this problem. Ohio is well positioned to become a leader in renewable and advanced energy. Not only can renewable and advanced sources address dependence and environmental concerns, but also create jobs here in Ohio."
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Election Political Courage Test. Gun Issues: Selected YES for: "e) Do you support current state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?" Other or expanded principles: "The second amendment establishes the individual "right of the people to keep and bear Arms." I believe that with all rights comes an equal measure of responsibility. I support reasonable and rational licensing and safety requirements."
  • Jeff Sinnard. League of Women Voters of Ohio: 2005 Jeff Sinnard Answers Questions. Responded: "We should be moving toward universal health care. As the only industrialized nation without a single-payer health care system, we need to get serious. As for the specifics, here is what I would do. First find some healthcare and medical experts much smarter than me. Then I would listen and ask questions. Then I would implement those suggestions that make sense for America and the people of the 2nd district" to the question: "4. What should be the federal government's role with respect to health care?" (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Jeff Sinnard. Project Vote Smart: 2008 Ohio State Legislative Election Political Courage Test. Selected NO for: "b) Should same-sex couples be allowed to marry?"
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
This candidate has responded to a Political Courage Test in a previous election. As a continued effort to provide the American public with factual information on candidates running for public office, these archived responses are made available here.
The Political Courage Test asks candidates which items they will support if elected. It does not ask them to indicate which items they will oppose. Through extensive research of public polling data, we discovered that voters are more concerned with what candidates would support when elected to office, not what they oppose. If a candidate does not select a response to any part or all of any question, it does not necessarily indicate that the candidate is opposed to that particular item.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding abortion.

a) Abortions should always be illegal.
b) Abortions should always be legal.
c) Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of pregnancy.
d) Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from incest or rape.
e) Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is endangered.
f) Abortions should be subject to a mandatory waiting period.
g) Require clinics to give parental notification before performing abortions on minors.
I support a respect for life and dignity that begins at conception but does not end at birth. All issues of life and death, including capital punishment, euthanasia, poverty and war must be viewed in the context of a consistent ethic of life. It is insufficient to simply oppose abortion; I will work to reduce the need and frequency of abortion with an emphasis on prevention. I support education and health initiative (prenatal and neonatal) that support pregnant women and babies. Too many mothers are forced to make this choice based on their economic circumstances and lack of viable alternatives.

State Budget: Indicate what state funding levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one level per category, you can use a number more than once.State Taxes: Indicate what state tax levels (#1-6) you support for the following general categories. Select one level per category, you can use a number more than once.

a) Education (Higher)
b) Education (K-12)
c) Emergency preparedness
d) Environment
e) Health care
f) Law enforcement
g) Transportation and highway infrastructure
h) Welfare
Maintain Status i) Other or expanded categories
a) Alcohol taxes
b) Cigarette taxes
c) Corporate taxes
d) Gasoline taxes
e) Income taxes (incomes below $75,000)
f) Income taxes (incomes above $75,000)
g) Property taxes
h) Sales taxes
i) Vehicle taxes
Maintain Status j) Other or expanded categories
Undecided 1) Should state sales taxes be extended to Internet sales?
Undecided 2) Should accounts such as a "rainy day" fund be used to balance the state budget?
No 3) Should fee increases be used to balance the state budget?
4) Other or expanded principles
I cannot know for certain what the budget restraints will be when I take office, but it is safe to assume Ohio will be facing lean budgets for a number of years. I believe that people must be at the center of public policy and tough budget decisions. As a legislator I will consider the practical implications of the budget on the lives of people.
The private economy, especially small business is the driving force of the Ohio economy. I support tax policies that reward those men and women whose work and willingness to take personal risk powers our state. I will work to ensure the tax code rewards employment, work and entrepreneurship. The tax code should be simplified, but should remain progressive.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding campaign finance and government reform.c) Do you support limiting the following types of contributions to state legislative candidates?

No a) Do you support the current limit of terms for Ohio governors?
No b) Do you support the current limit of terms for Ohio state senators and representatives?
Yes 1) Individual
Yes 2) PAC
Yes 3) Corporate
Yes 4) Political Parties
Yes d) Do you support requiring full and timely disclosure of campaign finance information?
Yes e) Do you support imposing spending limits on state-level political campaigns?
No f) Should Ohio participate in the federal REAL ID program?
Yes g) Do you support creating a cabinet level position of director of the Department of Education?
I support open and transparent government. I support the right of the people to choose their representatives. Campaign finance reform will be a central concern during my time in office. I believe that every American deserves an equal voice in the democratic process. Money has corrupted the political process. The access of the average man or woman is compromised by the constant fundraising that politician believe is necessary. An unreasonable amount of time is taken away from the peoples' business to pursue campaign funds.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding crime.

a) Increase state funds for construction of state prisons and hiring of additional prison staff.
b) Support the death penalty in Ohio.
c) Support programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement assistance when released.
d) Implement penalties other than incarceration for certain non-violent offenders.
e) Minors accused of a violent crime should be prosecuted as adults.
f) Support state and local law enforcement officials enforcing federal immigration laws.
g) Support hate crime legislation.
Protecting life and liberty is the fundamental role of government. The rule of law is the foundation of civil society, and the rule of law must be enforced. But justice with out compassion is insufficient. The Roman statesman Cicero noted that, "The more laws, the less justice." Judges need the authority to inflict strict punishment, and the freedom to distribute evenhanded justice. I support appropriate penalties and oppose mandatory sentences. I oppose the death penalty.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding education.

a) Support state funding of universal pre-K programs.
b) Support federal education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students (No Child Left Behind).
c) Support state education standards and testing requirements for K-12 students.
d) Support requiring public schools to administer high school exit exams.
e) Allow parents to use vouchers to send their children to any public school.
f) Allow parents to use vouchers to send their children to any private or religious school.
g) Ban current charter school operators with fiscal problems from opening additional charter schools.
h) Ban current charter school operators with under-performing schools from opening additional charter schools.
i) Provide state funding to increase teacher salaries.
j) Support using a merit pay system for teachers.
k) Provide state funding for tax incentives and financial aid to help make college more affordable.
l) Support allowing illegal immigrant high school graduates of Ohio to pay in-state tuition at public universities.
A "thorough and efficient system of common schools throughout the state" is a constitutional guarantee and necessary birthright of every Ohioan. Genuine Democracy and economic prosperity are impossible without an educated public. Nearly 2 million children attend Ohio's schools, with only 200,000 in non-public schools. So while I am open to discussion on tax credits or vouchers for private school tuition, any plan for educational success must emphasize our shared responsibility to the public schools. I will make common sense investments in quality education that will produce the workforce and the future leaders needed to build vibrant and healthy communities.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding employment.

a) Increase funding for state job-training programs that re-train displaced workers and teach skills needed in today's job market.
b) Reduce state government regulations on the private sector.
c) Provide low interest loans and tax credits for starting, expanding, or relocating businesses.
d) Provide tax credits for businesses that provide child care for children in low-income working families.
e) Increase state funds to provide child care for children in low-income working families.
f) Include sexual orientation in Ohio's anti-discrimination laws.
g) Include gender identity in Ohio's anti-discrimination laws.
h) Increase the state minimum wage.
i) Support laws that prevent employers from dismissing employees at will.
j) Support financial punishments for those who knowingly employ illegal immigrants.
k) Support increased work requirements for able-bodied welfare recipients.
l) Increase funding for employment and job training programs for welfare recipients.
A job bestows to American workers dignity and respect. Our tax system should reward businesses that retain and create jobs. America needs to value work above wealth. We in America are blessed with great abundance. It is a solemn responsibility that we share with those who, through no fault of their own, are not sharing in this abundance. We must support people when they are down and set them on their way. Social and economic programs should stress personal responsibility and the dignity of hard work.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the environment and energy.

a) Promote increased use of alternative fuel technology.
b) Support increased production of traditional domestic energy sources (e.g. coal, natural gas, oil, etc).
c) Support providing financial incentives to farms that produce biofuel crops.
d) Use state funds to clean up former industrial and commercial sites that are contaminated, unused, or abandoned.
e) Support funding for improvements to Ohio's power generating and transmission facilities.
f) Support funding for open space preservation.
g) Limit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases linked to global warming.
h) Enact environmental regulations even if they are stricter than federal law.
I will support environmental policies that protect the life and health of our peoples and that reflect stewardship for our state. Environmental policies must reflect the true cost, not just economic costs, to this generation and the next. Our dependence on fossil fuels threatens the climate, the air we breathe, and world peace and stability. We must call upon American ingenuity and inventiveness to solve this problem. Ohio is well positioned to become a leader in renewable and advanced energy. Not only can renewable and advanced sources address dependence and environmental concerns, but also create jobs here in Ohio.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding guns.

Undecided a) Should background checks be required on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows?
Yes b) Should citizens be allowed to carry concealed guns?
Yes c) Should a license be required for gun possession?
Yes d) Do you support current levels of enforcement of existing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?
Yes e) Do you support current state restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns?
The second amendment establishes the individual "right of the people to keep and bear Arms." I believe that with all rights comes an equal measure of responsibility. I support reasonable and rational licensing and safety requirements.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding health.

a) Ensure that citizens have access to basic health care through managed care, insurance reforms, or state-funded care where necessary.
b) Guaranteed medical care to all citizens is not a responsibility of state government.
c) Limit the amount of damages that can be awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.
d) Allow patients to sue their HMOs.
e) Require hospitals and labs to release reports on infections that are a risk to public health, while not compromising patient confidentiality.
f) Legalize physician assisted suicide in Ohio.
g) Support allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana to their patients for medicinal purposes.
Providing quality, affordable health coverage for all Ohioans to keep our families healthy, our businesses competitive, and our state strong will be a priority of mine.

['Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding social issues.', 'Legislative Priorities']

Undecided a) Should Ohio recognize civil unions between same-sex couples?
No b) Should same-sex couples be allowed to marry?
Undecided c) Should Ohio provide state-level spousal rights to same-sex couples?
No d) Do you support a moment of silence in public schools?
No e) Do you support voluntary prayer in public schools?
Yes f) Do you support sexual education programs that include information on abstinence, contraceptives, and HIV/STD prevention methods?
No g) Do you support abstinence-only sexual education programs?
Yes h) Should the state government consider race and gender in state government contracting and hiring decisions?
Yes i) Do you support affirmative action in public college admissions?
Yes j) Should Ohio continue affirmative action programs?
Yes k) Do you support state funding of stem cell research?
No l) Do you support state funding of embryonic stem cell research?
Yes m) Do you support allowing pharmacists who conscientiously object to emergency contraception to refuse to dispense it?
Many Americans, myself included, find the foundations of their moral convictions in their faith in God. The First Amendment simultaneously cautions against government establishment and intervention in religious life while its expressed protection of religious freedom invites the religious voice into the public dialogue. Wherever your moral conviction originates - from faith, or thought or simple conviction -Americans must bring these ideas and ideals into public life.
My top priority is and will always be the people of the 34th district. When Mother Teresa was asked how she dealt with the overwhelming problems facing her she said, "You do the thing that's in front of you." Currently the most pressing problem facing the people of the 34th district appears to be home foreclosures and predatory mortgage lending. I am hopeful that with the leadership of Governor Strickland we will make substantial progress. I suspect that much of my time will be used continuing to clean up the mess left behind by prior years of failed Republican leadership.

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